The intoxicating “head high” ingredient in cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is an agonist, or activator, of the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor.
The "healing" compound called cannabinoid (CBD) is directly interacted with our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which in short, is a network of receptors that interact with cannabinoids to maintain vital functions throughout our body.
THC and CBD are both found throughout the seeds, stalks, and flowers of both hemp and marijuana. The two exist in cannabis plants in a wide range of proportions. THC is most plentiful in marijuana, also called weed or pot. CBD is present in higher quantities in hemp.
High-CBD strains tend to deliver very clear-headed, functional effects without the euphoric high associated with high-THC strains.
CBD may inhibit or balance THC’s effects. It may also directly enhance THC’s positive effects. CBD does, for example, have the potential to synergize, and even enhance THC-induced pain relief. THC is both an anti- inflammatory and neuroprotective antixidant, largely due to its activation of CB1 receptors in the pain-control area of the brain.